Sunday, April 24, 2011

VasABOL by Generation X Labs


VasABOL by Generation X Labs

Vasabol from Gen X Labs is a highly potent muscle swelling supplement. Vasabol can be stacked with Pre-Power ATP about 30 minutes prior to workouts and training for long lasting energy, mental focus and intense skin-tearing muscle pumps.

Vasabol Anabolic Vasodilator Highlights Include:

Muscle Energy Nutrients:
Designed to promote absorption and physiological function nutrient transport technology that works with other key ingredients in the formula to support rapid nutrient delivery and availability.

Creatine Growth Factors:
VasABOL™ contains four (4) complete creatine cellular volumizers proven by research to increase the body's anabolic, growth factor, circulatory, and energy systems during training. VasABOL™ is specifically engineered for maximum measurable impact by fueling powerful muscular contractions, greater pumps, and faster growth. VasABOL™ speeds recovery between workouts.

O2 Anti-lactic recovery:
VasABOL™ helps increase athletic performance through ATP storage for faster muscle cell recuperation, decreased muscle recovery time while increasing muscle energy creation and storage.

Focus & Fatigue Matrix:
VasABOL helps stave off fatigue while flooding the muscle cells with nutrient-laden, fuel-rich blood that’s reloads muscle cells so that you are able to work harder and longer with more focus.

Take 3 tablets twice per day. For the ultimate workout experience stack VasAbol with Gen X Labs Pre-Power ATP 30 minutes before workouts.

Click The Link for more information about VasABOL by GenXLabs

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