Sunday, April 24, 2011

Anabolic Pump by USPLabs


Anabolic Pump by USPLabs
  • Super saturate (literally force feeds) muscle cells with glucose and amino acids
  • Block glucose uptake in fat cells
  • Potentiate the positive effects of insulin on muscle cells
  • Block triglyceride uptake in fat cells
  • Stimulate lipolysis
  • Improve lipid profile

The Genetic Equalizer-Gain Muscle And Lose Fat!

The unbelievable breakthrough compound developed by USPLabs



  • Significantly increase muscle mass without changing your diet - Most people gain at least 7.3 pounds of muscle in the first 14 days taking Anabolic-Pump™.

  • Dramatically reduce body fat while gaining layers of muscle - Previously impossible without Anabolic Steroids - Not anymore due to this incredible extract - Average fat loss in our test subjects is an amazing 5.2 lbs in first 14 days!

  • Develop "Unbreakable" levels of focus and energy - Blast through set after set without getting tired - Think how much better each and every workout will be!

  • Rapidly delivers Proteins, Amino Acids and Carbohydrates directly into muscle tissue - No more wasted food - Guaranteed Size & Strength!

Inhibits fat cells from multiplying - Try to get fat on this - I dare you!
Ingredients are 100% Safe & Effective - Proven in Double-Blind Human Studies!
So powerful, ingredients in Anabolic-Pump™ are Patent Pending!
Engorge your muscles with massive amounts of nutrient-rich blood - Force your muscle cells to get bigger…and bigger…and bigger…

Enjoy HUGE, skin-busting pumps all day long - even on off days…Way better than anything ever produced, including NO-type products - You will literally feel your muscles getting bigger before your eyes!

Significantly improves HDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels by 25% & 35% respectively!

Antidotal evidence proves you can eat up to three times more carbs and still lose bodyfat while on Anabolic-Pump - Imagine a 300 gram carbs/day cutting diet - It's now possible!

How Does Anabolic-Pump Work?
Anabolic-Pump makes food more anabolic by utilizing the natural power of the most anabolic hormone in the world - insulin. In our quest for perfection, diet is the ultimate key to success. Basic fact is that food is the most anabolic substance in the world. You can inject insane amounts of testosterone and deca, along with handfuls of d-bol and anadrol and without the proper diet-you will not grow! Ask around...this is bodybuilding gospel.

By harnessing the power of muscle specific insulin and food, Anabolic-Pump takes natural growth to unnatural levels! Insulin is the most powerful anabolic hormone produced by the body, while food constitutes the very anabolic building blocks of muscle tissue. Professional bodybuilders administer insulin and eat insane amounts of food for rapid strength and size gains. Insulin, without a doubt, forces muscle to grow fast. Unfortunately, insulin also forces fat cells to grow faster- yuck! What you end up with is a huge mass of muscle covered in a thick layer of fat. In a Perfect world fat cells would be resistant to the action of insulin. Like the moronic clich have your cake and eat it too Why bake a cake and not eat it? With Anabolic-Pump you eliminate the guilt of eating the cake. Yes, we've created the perfect world... well... the perfect supplement at least!

Isn't Insulin An Extremely Dangerous Drug?
Yes, insulin is the most anabolic hormone but it's also the most dangerous. Anabolic-Pump is 200% Anabolic. Anabolic-Pump is not an insulin like substance. Anabolic-Pump is a brand new class of natural anabolic called SIMS.

What is SIMS?
SIMS stands for Selective Insulin Muscle Sensitizer. Yes, Anabolic-Pump forces your body to naturally become super efficient in utilizing insulin only in muscle cells. The miraculous nature is that it completely shuts down the fat cell's affinity to store glucose and triglycerides while causing lipolysis! Yes, read that again! Completely shuts down the fat cell's ability to store glucose and triglycerides while force feeding your muscle cells. Go ahead; take a moment to let that sink in...

What does that mean?
Muscle growth and fat loss at an extremely fast rate while supporting your health! It doesn't get any better than that!

Do you feel Anabolic-Pump or should we just believe you?
Approximately 1 hour after the first dose those in touch with their own physiology will feel Anabolic-Pump working its magic. The pumped sensation is unavoidable. We are talking a real pump not useless vasodilatation.

There is that pumped word again. Are you pitching useless propaganda like the NO2 supplement market?
NO2 products are regarded as perception products as they relate to gaining muscle. You get the perception that it's working solely on the basis of the pump. The pump feel is a terrific tool to sell product, however a very poor way to judge muscle growth. A great analogy is a balloon filled with helium. For a period of time it appears to defy gravity and floats in air, however it's only a matter of time before the balloon deflates and loses its magical powers. While NO2 products may not be the best choice for long term quality muscle gains, they certainly have value in the endurance market. Comparing Anabolic-Pump to NO2 is like comparing Testosterone to vitamin C.

Has it been real world tested?
Of course! USPLabs runs extensive beta testing programs with every supplement we release. In fact, we let our customers tell US what our products do! While Anabolic-Pump sounds too good to be true, it has been real world tested by your peers with a 100% success rate.

Does Anabolic-Pump contain 15 different ingredients mixed in a bucket?
At USPLabs, we boycott the Garbage Pail formulas. Some companies assume that if you combine 15 different ingredients, something is bound to work. Unfortunately, a few ingredients in these formulas are potentially dangerous and can send you running to the restroom in the middle of a bench press!

Anabolic-Pump is a Patent Pending engineered extract of the Phellodendron Chinese Plant (P-Insulin) and Herbal engineered Lagerstroemia Speciosa(Tannins Complex). The USPLabs research team has been in India studying and botanically engineering the proper extract for the past 2 years. We did it with Cissus Rx.

Would you expect anything less than innovation from USPLabs? Other companies copied Cissus Rx... it's just a matter of time before the mock ups come. Cissus Rx has changed the joint supporting supplement market with one ingredient. We will do it again with Anabolic-Pump!! two ingredients with unbelievable qualities at 500mgs per dose!

Get huge, get lean, get healthy, get anabolic-Pump!

Click The Link for more information about Anabolic Pump by USPLabs

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